‘The Blind Side' subject Michael Oher says adoption by Tuohy family was a lie, he was cut out of money from movie

‘The Blind Side' subject Michael Oher says adoption by Tuohy family was a lie, he was cut out of money from movie

 'The Blind Side,' contends that the duo who extended their mantle of guardianship over his adolescent self artfully wove a tapestry of deception. Within this intricately woven fabric of deceit lay the guise of adoption, yet the reality was a disheartening plunge into the abyss of conservatorship. These allegations find their resonance in a legal petition filed on a Monday.

The document bearing witness to this plea for emancipation from conservatorship boldly proclaims, 'The fallacy of Michael's adoption stands as a foundational untruth upon which Co-Conservators Leigh Anne Tuohy and Sean Tuohy have enriched themselves, all while the undersigned, Michael Oher, bore the cost.' This petition, a clarion call for the cessation of the conservatorship's dominion, found its lodgment in the hallowed precincts of Shelby County Court in the state of Tennessee.

The entwined narrative of Oher and the Tuohy lineage traversed the tapestry of celluloid, ultimately crowned with Oscar's laurel in the form of the cinematic opus 'The Blind Side.' Within this opus, the role of Leigh Anne Tuohy, breathed to life by the luminary Sandra Bullock, took center stage. A cinematic ode to the Michael Lewis tome, this opulent creation charted Oher's voyage from the throes of homeless infancy, through the crucible of collegiate football, culminating in the splendor of NFL stardom.

Within the dimly lit corridors of negotiation, the Tuohys struck an accord with the cinematic juggernaut 20th Century Fox. However, this pact came at the expense of Oher's recognition. A resounding silence echoed in response to his name, semblance, and life saga, as the Tuohy family reaped the riches. The archives of this entreaty allude to the receipt of a princely sum totaling $225,000, coupled with an additional claim to 2.5% of the cinematic opus's spoils.

A symphony of financial triumphs flowed forth from the film, netting a gargantuan sum exceeding $300 million, the petition artfully proclaims. Furthermore, a benevolent gesture found its embodiment in a donation of $200,000 to the charitable haven curated by Leigh Anne Tuohy.

The lamentable refrain of financial aridity taints Oher's account of his association with cinematic opulence. As the reels of celluloid unfurled, he found himself bereft of monetary gains. These reels saw the light of day once his collegiate journey had culminated, ensuring a nonintrusive into his NCAA eligibility.

The lamentation contained within the legal entreaty reverberates with a perplexing discovery: Oher's recollection fails him when it comes to affixing his signature to the pact governing the narrative of his life. The manuscript bears the imprimatur of his autograph; however, no harbinger of elucidation ever accompanied its presentation. Thus, the chasm of mystification remains.

A damning indictment resounds within the precincts of Oher's petition. This indictment holds the Tuohy lineage culpable for a transgression so egregious, so audacious, as to warrant the censure of the legal apparatus. Within the realm of their guardianship, a duty consecrated by fiduciary bonds, they traversed a path most vile. Oher, having trodden the paths of an abandoned child, found himself ensnared in their intricate machinations from the tender age of 11. His feet had brushed against the streets of homelessness, an experience etched deeply into his being.

The camaraderie shared with classmates' families provided solace amid the tempestuous sea of his existence. Their hearths became his haven, a refuge forged amidst the ruins of a fractured societal order. As this petition unspools its narrative, it recounts a chapter wherein the parents of his peers perceived a 'nice child in need,' whereas the Tuohys perceived a canvas upon which their ambitions could be painted.

Within the annals of his petition lies a plaintive tale set in the summer preceding his senior year. This temporal realm witnessed Oher's emergence as a legal adult in July of 2004. In this moment of vulnerability, the Tuohys extended a sanctuary within their familial abode. Within this sacred
